
Dec 21, 20232 min

12/21 Meditation - Christmas Wishes

“Then Hannah prayed: My heart rejoices in the Lord. My strength rises up in the Lord! My mouth mocks my enemies because I rejoice in your deliverance.” I Samuel 2: 1

“Mary said, ‘With all my heart I glorify the Lord! In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior.” Luke 1:46

Mary’s Magnificat echoes the song of Hannah in I Samuel. Both women sing following the realization they will birth babies in service to God’s salvation. Hannah sings as one who believed she would never bear children. Mary sings as one bearing a child before she longed for one. Both women sing of the promises of God. Both sing of reversals of fortunes and the ways of God which turn our perceptions, and our very world upside-down. Both sing as they grasp God’s vision for all of creation.

Dr. AJ Levine notes in our recent Advent study, “Light of the World”: “Mary recognizes God’s fidelity in the past and present, and so knows in her spirit and soul, that this covenantal fidelity continues to the future…We see the accomplishments of this whenever those who have give to those who need. We see it in servant-leadership, and we see it in fidelity to Torah and later to Gospel. We see these miracles [like Hannah and Mary] because, as God’s children, it is our responsibility to carry them out.” (pg. 77 – brackets added)

Hannah and Mary sing of God’s steadfast faithfulness and how they see this being accomplished in their lives. We receive their song to sing our own; to bring witness to God’s continued fidelity and life-giving actions in our world. Their story reminds us, our story is a continuation of theirs. A continuation of many faith ancestors who have carried on before. Hannah and Mary gave testimony to God’s promises and actions for the world. Promises and actions which come unexpectedly and tend to disrupt expectations.

The promises of God are seen in Hannah and Mary and can be seen among God’s people today. Even God’s youngest people. We asked our LOGOS children at our “Birthday Party for Jesus”, what their wish for the world was this Christmas? They responded as those who understand the faithfulness and power of God.

· War will end.

· Beauty. Lots of beautiful Christmas trees.

· Everyone to be happy.

· Be kind to each other.

· Everyone is good and knows goodness.

· Peace in the world.

· Cure for Cancer.

· No one to fight.

· God loves us.

· Healing for the environment.

· The angels to stay.

We are called to sing with Hannah and Mary for the promises of the world. What is your wish for the world this Advent/Christmas season?

Advent Blessings,

Rev. Wendy
