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  • revwendy.stjohns

All Saints Devotion - November 1st

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with persevere the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

Today, November 1st is what we call “All Saint’s Day”. The day in the life of the church where we pause to recognize those who have gone before. A day to give thanks for the saints we have known personally and grieve their absence. Also, a day of gratitude for the saints who have inspired us and made our world a more just and loving place.

Each year I find the list of saints grows such is the gift of aging. In indigenous cultures they will refer to “the ancestors”. We hear from our Hispanic brothers and sisters of the celebration of “The Day of the Dead.” All are rituals where we recognize we do not live disconnected from those who have gone before. And we will have an impact on those who come after us.

We do not have a special worship service or even give much notice to celebrating All Saint’s Day in our culture. Yet, we can take a few moments to recall and celebrate the gift of the Saints who have touched our lives over the past year. Today, I lift up some saints who have touched my life this year;

Mary Magdalene disciple and apostle of Jesus, whom recent Biblical Scholarship is revealing the towering role she played in the early church.

Jeremiah Vail of whom I’m descended. In the 1700’s he served as a witness for someone accused of witchcraft and saved their life.

Howard Thurman, American theologian, mystic, author, civil rights activist and philosopher whose writing and poetry have fed my soul this year.

Lucretia Garfield, wife of James Garfield, who was his confidant and preserved the gifts he gave to the country. Who also was a watercolor artist and valued higher education for children.

Finally the too many to mention people whose paths have crossed mine and influenced my life by their kindness, love, and dedication. Everyday folks who make the world a better, more loving place by the simple gestures and faith they live every single day. Truly, these everyday saints are the ones who make the most impact on all our lives.

We are indeed surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.

Who are your saints? The ancestors and relatives who have impacted your living? The ones who give us courage to step out in faith?

Today, we thank God for them all and seek to carry on their work.

Faithfully Yours,

Rev. Wendy

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