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  • revwendy.stjohns

May 10th Devotion

“Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on, you will be fishing for people.” As soon as they brought the boats to the shore, they left everything and followed Jesus.” Luke 5: 10-11

Butterflies emerging from cocoons are a symbol of resurrection and new life. Whenever the Church and Ministry Committee of our Associations approves a candidate for ordination, standing or credentialing we have them stand on a butterfly mat. We then lay hands upon them and pray for them in this new phase of life and ministry. In a similar manner we will lay hands upon Confirmands and bless them with the Holy Spirit at their Confirmation.

Resurrection is about transformation and change. A caterpillar goes into a cocoon and is transformed into a butterfly. Our Christian faith is established upon the Resurrection of Jesus. A completely earth changing event. Jesus was never about doing what the world expected. God is always revealed more in the unexpected.

Jesus’ propensity for change and transformation is strongly established in his ministry. The first invitation to the disciples was to change. He met them out on the lake and offered them a new pathway in life. Luke tells us “As soon as” they returned home they left everything to grasp what Jesus offered. In true butterfly style, they willingly changed for Jesus.

Over the centuries the Church has become resistant to change. Indeed, we will do just about anything and everything not to change. Resistance arises swiftly for us when confronted with change. The change may be a new ministry or letting go of an outdated ministry. The change may be around fresh ways of thinking and understanding. The change may just be different and challenging. Like our comfortable spot in the pews we do not always welcome the new view of change. Often instead of embracing and seeing where Jesus is calling we will leave instead.

One thing we cannot change is the truth that the first thing Jesus asked of his disciples was to change. Change is a form of resurrection. Change can lead to new life. Yes, we become overwhelmed by the changing world around us. When fear and anxieties arise over change we can open our ears to the words of Jesus to Simon – “Do not fear.”

Fear will always try to grab more power than it’s worth. Resurrection and new life when embraced can cast aside all fear. We stand in line with many other disciples who were willing to risk faith transformation to live and grow closer to Jesus. The hands laid upon them were laid upon us at our Baptism and Confirmation so we too can grasp the promise of resurrection.

Faithfully Yours,

Rev. Wendy

*Image credit: Created on Canva © by Rev. Wendy Schindler-Chasney

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